Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chapel Week: A Message & Songs about New Life

Hello GE Families,

Monday and Tuesday of this week, the students will go to chapel.  Ms. Ann will be talking to the children about the story of Easter and new life.  We will sing songs about Easter including the songs listed below.

A few reminders about our spring musical, the Great Escape Circus!  Don't forget to save the date: Wed. April 30 & Thurs. May 1 @ 6:30pm.  Please let your child's teacher know which night you will attend.  Also, we still need $3 from some families.  This helps us with the cost of costumes, props, refreshments, decorations, programs, etc.  Thank you so much for your support!  The kids are working hard and it will be a great performance!

Ms. Kimberly

Easter songs:

Dear God We Love You
Song to the tune of "You are my Sunshine"
You bring us sunshine
You bring us rain,
We know you make things grow each day
You bring us love to share with others
And we thank you when we pray.

Dear God we love you, we want to know you
And be more like you want us to
Our hearts are open to spread your love God
'Cause we know you love us too.
(Chorus repeated)

You brought us Jesus
Thank you for Jesus
He died to take our sins away
We want to talk to him and thank him
We know he hears us when we pray.

Jesus Loves the Little Children
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow black and white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weather Songs

Hello GE Families,

Hope you all had a great spring break!  This week the students will learn songs about the weather, play a rain stick, and lots of musical movement games that are weather related.  We will also continue to practice for our circus performance.

Ms. Kimberly

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Music Field Trip this week!

Dear GE Families,

I am very excited that Dawson & Kellan Clough's parents will be playing multiple musical instruments for the students' music field trip on Tues and Wed this week!  They will be playing the piano, ukulele, drums and guitar.  It will be a great experience for our budding musicians.

We will sing some fun songs this week about leprechauns and rainbows, as well as play a few music based games about zoo animals.  The students will also continue to rehearse for the GE Spring Musical:  The Great Escape Circus!  I have listed our circus songs below.

Ms. Kimberly

GE Circus Songs

“Circus Song”
(Tune: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad)
I am walking through the circus (walk in place)
Happy as can be (smile real big)
I am walking through the circus (walk in place)
Just to see, what I can see (make binoculars with hands)
I can see the clown laughing (ha, ha, ha)
I can see the elephant, too (make trunk motion)
I can see the lion sleeping (yawn)
Look out (make binoculars with hands)... because he sees you too

“The Clowns in the Circus”
(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The clowns in the circus go ha ha ha
Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha
The clowns in the circus go ha ha ha
All day long.

The monkeys in the circus go ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
The monkeys in the circus go ooh ooh ooh
All day long.

The elephants in the circus go err err err
Err err err
Err err err
The elephants in the circus go err err err
All day long.

The lions in the circus go roar roar roar
Roar, Roar, Roar
Roar, Roar, Roar
The lions in the circus go roar roar roar
All day long.

“Let’s Go To The Circus Today”
(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Let’s go to the circus today,
The circus today,
The circus today.
Let’s go to the circus today,
And watch the big parade.

See the funny clowns juggling
Juggling, Juggling.
See the funny clowns juggling,
In the circus ring.

Lions and tigers jump through hoops,
Jump through hoops,
Jump through hoops.
Lions and tigers jump through hoops,
In the circus ring.

The prancing horses step so high,
Step so high,
Step so high.
The prancing horses step so high,
In the circus ring.

“Take Me Out to the Big Top”
(Tune: Take Me Out to the Ballgame)

Take me out to the Big Top,
Take me out to the show.
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks,
I don’t care if I never get back.
Cause it’s clap, clap, clap for the jugglers
And laugh, laugh, laugh for the clowns.
For it’s one, two, three rings of fun
At the old Big Top!


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Musicians are (Zoo) Animals: Learning How to Conduct

Hello GE Families,

It is zoo week!  This week the students will play lots of musical zoo animal themed games.  They will also take turns being the conductor of our class band.  The students will play their instruments (drums, tambourines, bells, etc) according to the conductor's instruction- piano, forte, crescendo, decrescendo, mute.  We will also continue rehearsing for our Spring Musical: The Great Escape Circus!

Ms. Kimberly

Monday, February 17, 2014

Our First Music Field Trip is This Week!

Hello GE Families,

I am very pleased to announce that the students will take their first music field trip this Tuesday and Wednesday!  Monthly "music field trips" is a new program I started where the students will go on a "trip" to the sanctuary or fellowship hall and hear musicians from the church or school play their instruments.  I want the students to see first hand what different instruments look like, sound like, and how they are played.  We have been learning about playing your instrument soft/loud, crescendo/decrescendo, and the difference between major and minor chords.  The musicians will demonstrate these concepts on their instruments as well for the students.  

For our first music field trip, the very talented Kathy Forsberg, Littleton UMC organist, will be playing for the students in the sanctuary.  Thank you, Kathy!  

In class, we will be learning the difference between high notes and low notes.  The students will practice high and low notes through games we will play on the piano.  We will also learn some fun songs about the presidents, the color silver and the letter Ll.

Ms. Kimberly

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I'm Gonna Write You a Love Song: Valentine's Day Week

Hello GE Families:

This week each student will help compose a Valentine song for their loved ones.  We will also learn about famous classical composers.  The students will learn songs about Valentine's Day and love and will play some Valentine games.  We will attend chapel on Wed. & Thurs. and talk about God's love for each of us.  It's going to be a fun week!

Ms. Kimberly

Songs About Valentine's Day:
(Tune: Jingle Bells)



(Tune: Bingo)

There is a shape and it means love,
And heart is its name-o.
H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T,
And Heart is its name-o!
Note: Repeat leaving out letters
“Five Little Valentines”

Five little Valentines at the Store
(Child's name) bought one and then there were four!
Four little Valentines, oh can you see?
(Child's name) bought one and then there were three.
Three little Valentines that look so blue
(Child's name) bought one and then there were two.
Two little valentines, having lots of fun,
(Child's name) bought one and then there was one!
One little valentine, having lots of fun!
(Child's name) bought one and then there were none!
“Pass the Heart Game”
(Tune: Three Blind Mice)

Pass the heart around, pass the heart around.
Pass the heart to play, pass the heart to play.
Pass the heart as we sing this song,
Pass the heart it won’t take long,
Pass the heart and it moves along
It’s Valentine's Day.
It’s Valentine's Day.
Pass the heart this way, pass the heart this way.
Pass the heart to play, pass the heart to play.
When the song stops, if the heart’s in your hand
You will go to Valentine Land,
If you have the heart, it will be so grand.
It’s Valentine's Day.
It’s Valentine's Day.

“Letter V Song”
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

This word starts with V,
This word starts with V,
Vuh, Vuh, Vuh is what V says,
This word starts with V.

A heart you give with love,
A heart you give with love,
It starts with V, so guess with me,
A heart you give with love. (Valentine)

It cleans the floor in your house… (Vacuum)

An instrument with strings… (Violin)

A mountain that spews hot lava… (Volcano)

It holds your flowers in place… (Vase)

A big black bird… (Vulture)

A jacket without sleeves… (Vest)

A ball you serve over a net… (Volleyball)
“Love, Love, Love”
(Tune: 3 Blind Mice)

Love, love, love, love, love, love
See how it grows, See how it grows.
I love my friends and they love me.
We love each other that's plain to see.
There's plenty for a big family.
Love, love, love, love, love, love.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

How Does Music Make You Feel? Major & Minor Chords

Hello GE Families,

This week I will be teaching the students about major and minor chords.  Major chords sound happy and minor chords sound sad.  I will play these types of chords for them on the guitar and we will listen to songs that have a lot of major and minor chords as well.  The students will also listen to happy/sad, slow/fast music and I will ask them to draw pictures of how the music makes them feel.
We will learn some new stretches and dances to fun songs to help get the wiggles out!

Ms. Kimberly